PPL(A) Exercise 6:  Straight and Level

EASA requirements: - 

(A) at normal cruising power, attaining and maintaining straight and level flight; 

(B) flight at critically high air speeds; 

(C) demonstration of inherent stability; 

(D) control in pitch, including use of trim; 

(E) lateral level, direction and balance and trim; 

(F) at selected air speeds (use of power); 

(G) during speed and configuration changes; 

(H) use of instruments for precision

Additional reading

FAA Airplane Flying Manual 

Disclaimer:  The material presented in these YouTube videos should not be used in place of actual ground or flight instruction. Consult a certified flight instructor before attempting to conduct any flight maneuvers. 

The following training videos supplement the flight training syllabus in the Flying Training Manual

Exercise 6: Straight and Level